Junyan Wu

Software Developer and Computer Science Graduate at UC Irvine

About Me

Junyan Wu


My name is Junyan (I also go by Jun) and I am currently a Software Developer at BNY Mellon. I graduated from the University of California - Irvine in June 2023 with a B.S. in Computer Science and a specializaiton in Information.

My experiences include my work experience, course work, and personal projects such as this website!

Work Experience

Software Developer

BNY Mellon

Aug. 2023 - Present

Software Engineer Intern


Sept. 2022 - Nov. 2022

→ Built an apprenticeship job application website that enabled partnered companies to create job posts and advertise available positions.

→ Developed the front-end web application using React, Node, HTML, CSS, and Firebase, to create a modern website that attracts users to the job board.

→ Worked with a team of Software Developers and Product Managers on a weekly basis, providing updates and discussing new requirements as part of an Agile Software Development process.

Education & Skills


University of California - Irvine

Sept. 2019 - June 2023

B.S., Computer Science, GPA: 3.6/4.0



Python, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Java, C++, HTML, CSS, JavaScript

Frameworks and Libraries

Amazon Web Services (AWS), Spring Boot, Tomcat, jQuery, RESTful APIs, JDBC, React.js, Node.js

Developer Tools

Git/GitHub/GitLab, Postman, Visual Studio Code, IntelliJ, Eclipse, Google Colab, Slack


This Website!

→ Designed and maintained a personal portfolio website to showcase my experiences and skill.

→ Utilized HTML and CSS to create dynamic and responsive content on the website.

Home page of this website

Fabflix Movie Database Web App

→ Designed and implemented a full-stack website hosted on AWS that allowed customers to log in with sessions, browse and purchase from a catalog of thousands of movies, and employees to log in and add movies to the data base.

→ Incorporated reCAPTCHA to block bot attacks and encrypted customer and employee passwords using SHA256 hashing to safeguard personal information.

→ Constructed an ETL pipeline to parse large XML dataset files for bulk uploading of movies and actors, and enhanced MySQL queries to decrease parsing time by a factor of 16.

→ Implemented a search feature for customers using full-text search, and autocomplete with caching support.

Fabflix search feature

Google Images Tree Detection

→ Collaborated with Student Services, a company sponsor that provides outdoor home maintenance services, on a weekly basis to discuss new requirements and report progress on an app that displays a list of addresses that may require gutter cleaning services.

→ Used aerial view images and machine learning algorithms (Faster R-CNN and Retina Net) to train an object detection model that achieved a ~72% accuracy rate of identifying homes that have trees overlapping them.

→ Developed a Python-based user interface that allows our sponsor to input a zip code that calls the backend to display a list of target addresses on demand.

Gif demo of how the google images tree detection system works